Friday, March 10, 2006

Performance Planning & Assessment (PPA)

Wish I could run down to eat. Right now I'm just waiting for the GM to get in the office. He just flew in from India this morning at 6am and was reportedly heading straight to the office. Since the bugger is not in yet, he must have gone home first.

Our PPA is due next week 17 March. I've got to assess 6 people. The weird thing about our system here is that managers are assessed by their peers. So other than my Senior Manager, I also have 5 assessments from my staff and 3 assessments from my peers. Here's what they think of me, these were done during mid year review (yup we have 2 to 4 assessments per year!) - spelling and grammar left as they were..

Plus: "He is an effective manager. Able to understand his subordinates well. "
Minus: "In the area of task delegation, there's still room of improvement."

Plus: "Good communication both verbal and writing."
Plus: "Very committed and reliable individual and meets deadlines despites his busy schedules."
Plus: "The incumbent clearly demonstrate, in his daily routine, a profound leadership quality that can be accepted by the superior, peers, subordinate and even established customers."
Plus: "Friendly but very firm. Can be branded as one of Petronas future LEADERS."
Plus: "Very competent in Propylene trading. Have good and reliable networks. Shows very stable emotional behavior espescially dealing with third parties."

Minus: "Cost control and monitoring, i.e. to enhance his skill relates to business analysis and economic modelling to enable him to tip top in all fronts."
Minus: "He should be considered for job rotation within Petronas OPUs and at least one oversea assignment." - This guy wants to get rid of me!
Minus: "Need more management skills. Need skills to be a true leader."
Minus: "Sometimes can be very tempremental, needs to be improved."

Anyway those are just some of the comments, which really only make up of about 25% of my rating. The other 75% are hard data and sales/trading targets. As you get higher up, as much as 50% of your rating can come from your peers and subordinates. So you better be a good boss. You can't screw your staff and expect a good rating, at the same time, can't treat them too well that your peers think you're too easy to bully. Plus your boss also comments, but I can't see where he puts his comments. Can't read it.

Can we cheat this system? Any ideas how?


Anonymous said...

360 assessments (I think what they're called) normally only work in large organisations where you have a large enough sample of people working for you or with you. Otherwise, in a group of 6, you're basically screwed and have to play the "survivor" game and build your alliances, suxs but true.

BTW. Did you see the second round of protests?

Anonymous said...

Oh view from above is much cooler!

Freebooterz said...

Yeah I saw the protests from the a supplier's office. I was there for a meeting. He's Japanese and he was wondering wats going on downstairs.. so we had to explain about the 30 cent increase. Of course like all foreigners he said you gasoline is still dirt cheap! He doesnt understand the fuss!

Freebooterz said...

BTW yeah I am screwed.. even managers who I have to find for Peers are kinda limited here.. Since I only have 5 staff who will be assessing me.. it kinda limits my odds. But staff aren't as much as a problem as other peers who may be after my ass!

Ashkarya said...

better be careful what you write about your company, staff, peers and bosses on your blog. don't you know about the woman who did on she got fired.