Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ramadan 2010

This year is passing by so quick, more than ever I feel like I'm a passenger on a speeding bus heading down a highway going who knows where. Why bus? Why passenger? All good metaphysical questions I don't quite have answers to.

Puasa is getting easier and easier as I get older - but this year like last year, there has been almost no eating out.

Went to pasar ramadan at Geylang some days back - note to self, don't try the usual briyani anymore, the satay burger is over rated and wierd to be honest, and it doesn't matter which stall you line up at for Vade they all taste the same.

Oh and goreng pisang is the best...

1 comment:

Repin said...

Pisang goreng for dessert......put a scoop of ice-cream on top of it.Two scoops better !