Seven things I plan to do before I die
1) Write a book - or compile my poems into a book.
2) Tie up any loose ends with my life - make sure things are ok with everyone.
3) Have kids and test my parenting skills.
4) Go back to Salsa and really pick it up all the way.
5) Travel to every continent and the following countries - Africa, South America, Canada, Antartica, Australia, Europe, Russia, India, China.
6) Learn to swim and sail.
7) To retire by the time I am 35 and start working on the above (some must start already).
Seven things I could do:
1) Have more clarity and focus in everything I do.
2) Spend more time with Pling.
3) Spend more time with Sasha.
4) Spend more time with rest of family.
5) Be nicer to friends and family.
6) Start working out and have a healthier lifestyle.
7) Do more - think less.
Seven Celebrity Crushes (huh?)
1) Jessica Alba
2) Aishwarya Rai
3) Lindsay Lohan (when she was chubbier)
4) Ashley Judd
5) That hispanic woman in Desperate Housewives
6) Kirsten Dunst
7) One of the girls from the Matrix - forgotlah
Seven often repeated word
1) Alamak
2) Aiyoh
3) Actually..
4) Aiseh
5) Shit
6) Dammit
7) Wat to do?
Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex
1) Nice hair - long or short doesn't matter, straight better than wavy/curly.
2) Not too skinny
3) Got boobs
4) Shoes - starting to believe good shoes means they care about their looks
5) Can eat - not diet obsessed
6) Nice skin/complexion
7) Perfume
Seven things I do to make myself happy
1) Read - anything, especially storybooks.
2) Bullying the cats.
3) Shop - buy something I normally won't.
4) Blast heavy metal music, or rock.
5) Seeing others happy.
6) Being with great company.
7) Looking up old friends.